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    Cool Findings!
    • itch.io is a simple way to find, download and distribute indie games online. Whether you're a developer looking to upload your game or just someone looking for something new to play itch.io has you covered.
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    • Find your dream remote job with Arcโ€”open to developers, designers, and marketers worldwide. For companies, we make hiring top global talent easy.
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    • All your notes, bookmarks, inspiration, articles and images in one single, private place. Just save it, and mymind will magically organize it for you with the help of AI.
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    • White Label, by Noon Pacific
    • Just a curated list of the best games to play on your next video call Built during another lockdown in the UK, hopefully these games get you through your next awkward work social as they have for us... By Shoreditch Design Studio, illustrations by Craftwork
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    • Lounge is the people-first HQ for remote teams to revive the lost camaderie working in silos with: ๐Ÿ‘€ Glanceable identity (Org chart & Profiles) ๐Ÿ† Async social (Photo & wellness games) ๐Ÿ’ฌ Contextual communication (Voice meetings & Messages)
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    • Online lofi music player with the option to add song locally. Lofi FM is complete client side app which only uses youtube video embedding and youtube data API.
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      Lofi FM
    • free & open-source web-based application for creating and editing images consisting of text characters & hieroglyphs (ASCII graphics / Shift_JIS art / Kaomoji and many others). The tool does not require an internet connection and can work offline in a browser.
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      ASCII Art Paint
    • Flow Club is an online coworking community for remote, independent & neurodiverse workers. Our mission is to provide accountability and structure to communities of people with similar work styles, needs, and goals so they can feel fulfilled and supported in their work.
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      Flow Club
    • Purpur App is a mental health app to build deep & transparent relationships. People answer questions about sex and relationships chosen by experts, open up about their desires and learn to communicate.
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    • Earth.fm is a non-profit, growing library of pure, high quality nature sounds from around the world. Listen to immersive natural soundscapes ๐ŸŒณ ๐ŸŽง Support local charities who are taking care of the Earth ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿค—
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    • Webacy is creating a safer web3 for everyone - an infrastructure of smart contracts to secure blockchain-based assets with a panic button, a backup wallet, and even a crypto will. Webacy is strictly non-custodial and no-access (no seed phrase, no password).
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