Currency converter

Powerful and convenient currency converter 💰
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What is Currency converter?
Powerful and convenient currency converter for iOS. ✔ Offline mode. ✔ 150 world currencies. ✔ Convenient widget. ✔ 53 languages. ✔ Calculator [+ - × ÷]. ✔ Cryptocurrencies. ✔ Current exchange rate. ✔ Currency search. ✔ Work with the clipboard. ✔ Dark mode.
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Currency converter
Powerful and convenient currency converter for iOS.
✔ Offline mode.
✔ 150 world currencies.
✔ Convenient widget.
✔ 53 languages.
✔ Calculator [+ - × ÷].
✔ Cryptocurrencies.
✔ Current exchange rate.
✔ Currency search.
✔ Work with the clipboard.
✔ Dark mode.
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