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Stay Ahead of Every F1 Race with Live Countdown and Session Updates! Track every session (FP1, FP2, FP3, Qualifying, Sprint Qualifying, Sprint, and Race) as it happens
GP Next Race Widget
GP Next Race Widget
F1 sessions countdown widget for Mac and iPhone
Transform your Mac's menu bar into an intuitive, gesture-controlled timer with Stretch It!
Stretch It
Stretch It
A minimalist gesture timer from your Mac menu bar
Mic Audio Level shows your input level in dB right in the menu bar. This can be helpful when you are doing recordings and your input level is unexpectedly set too high or too low. The app automatically detects the default input selected in your Sound settings.
Mic Audio Level
Mic Audio Level
Monitor your microphone input level from the menu bar
Have you ever hit the Touch Bar by accident?
Hide My Bar allows you to turn off the Touch Bar in an instant while keeping all the cool features of the Touch Bar at hand.
Just double press a key to hide the Touch Bar and start focusing on your work!
Hide My Bar
Hide My Bar
macOS app to turn off the Touch Bar at will