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Samuel Banks
TourGuide is a JavaScript library written for creating user tours and on-boarding steps for apps. It is a complete alternative to IntroJS which is a paid library. and IMHO is every bit as good!
A free and complete alternative to IntroJS
Samuel Banks
SERP Speed is revolutionary in pagespeed testing, not only does it fully test your page using the lighthouse engine provided by Google but also but also gathers the top 10 serp results and checks their pagespeed too. All for FREE
SERP Speed
SERP Speed
Compare your page speed at keyword level with the rest
Samuel Banks
ScrapeBoss, A powerful, developer friendly tool to extract the content from almost any article on the internet.
It uses AI to understand the page and extract content, meta, open graph, images et al and is returned as a simple JSON object. ready for me to use.
Scrape Boss
Scrape Boss
Machine learning, AI powered article extration
Samuel Banks

As an avid user of I got sick of the 90's design and wanted something a little more appealing, found this in a newly registered domain list and took a look. Its actually quite good!
An upgrade for those used to epguides
Samuel Banks
Samuel Banks
left a comment
Would definitely buy this if it were real!
Mark Zuckerberg for H&M
Mark Zuckerberg for H&M
One less thing to think about in the morning
Samuel Banks
Swift Social 2
Swift Social 2
Swift Social is now even more powerful! New features galore!
Samuel Banks
The Restart Page
Geek nostalgia at its best
Samuel Banks
Swift Score for Twitter
Check how your Twitter account is performing