Definition of success for an MVP

André Hess Brenes
1 reply
I'm thinking about bringing an idea to life, creating and MVP and setting a challenge to define if pursue it or not. I believe success is based on engagement, so I drafted the following: - Put app on 20 people - Get at least 10 actions over the first two weeks for 80% of users. (0.7 actions per day) - Get at least 20 actions over the second two weeks for 60% of users This numbers are made up but give you an indication of what I'm aiming to. Has someone else goaled an MVP with a similar framework? I'm curious on what numbers might actually constitute engagement. If you need a reference for what the app might do, think about it being Pocket.


Richard Gao
My definition of a success for an MVP is less with regard to actions and more on the feedback the customer gives. This is because if you get a large enough amount of customers to consider yourself successful even intuitively, then there's no reason to make so many changes since what you're doing already seems to work. So I would set things up that enables customers to give valuable feedback for the MVP, maybe contact customers after they've used it and ask for a customer interview or send them a survey.