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  • Do you talk to potential users before or after you built your product?

    31 replies
    Everyone agrees you need to talk to users. But do you build first and interview after Or talk to people first then build? As a B2B Product guy, I always talk to potential users before hand to derisk the problem/solution I have in mind. What about you?


    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I think you should create some relationship (trust) with them. They are more likely to have you on your mind. But it is not easy at all.
    @busmark_w_nika totally agreed . Trust is key. Also , talking to people before hand is the best way to make sure you are building something useful with potential. (I see TOO many people build products thinking it will find users, without doing any research with anyone before to verify assumptions) And those people can become your first beta testers and as you say, maybe become your first customers after.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @toni_pm the worst thing people can do is using AI for casual communication in comments (at that moment I am loosing the trust :D )
    Karen Wick
    I try to build awareness even months before launch on social media platforms etc to make the results better on launch day.
    Angela Ross
    Our team even ran marketing campaigns before launch to build awareness of our product to potential customers, then after the launch, we outreach them through emails or direct contacts. It has provided the best results yet.
    Benny Chandra
    It's generally recommended to talk to potential users before building your product because 1. Understanding the problem: Engaging with potential users helps you deeply understand the problem you're trying to solve. You can gather insights into their pain points, needs, and preferences. This helps ensure that the product you're planning to build actually addresses a real problem. 2. Validating the idea: By discussing your idea with potential users, you can validate whether there's genuine interest and demand for your product. This can save you time and resources by ensuring you don't build something that people don't want or need. 3. Building a Product that Fits: Early conversations can guide the development process, allowing you to prioritize features and functionalities that users value most. This user-centric approach increases the likelihood of creating a product that resonates with your target audience.
    Elena Tsemirava
    I talk both before and after. But in my experience, the most valuable feedback comes after they've tried the product.
    Nadir Bhola
    We usually talk to potential users before building the product. For example, when designing a drivhus , user feedback helps tailor features to their needs, ensuring the final product aligns with user expectations and practical applications.
    Patryk Pijanowski
    yea! In my opinion, it is very important to validate the idea and modify it.
    Caca Cantika
    I will do market research first on the product I make, whether the market is right for the product I will make.
    James Anderson
    Talking about it before even building can help gather investments and even opinions that might improve the product so obviously first.
    @iam_james_anderson 100% aligned. But i see many entrepreneurs and startup jump into building without user validation
    Richard Reis
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    Personally, a bit of both. Before launch, I make sure someone wants it (usually myself). I don't love the idea of derisking too much though. That was popularized by Eric Ries and Steve Blank's book "The Lean Startup", and yet neither of them built a great startup. After launch, I like talking to users because they'll surface ideas for features or even copy (e.g. if all users describe your product as x, maybe you should add that to the homepage's copy). It never ends 😅
    @richardreeze love this approach that’s what I aim to do to. I am for some derisking through interviews but not extensively either, to avoid unnecessary time and resources consumption And keepin users in the loop for the go to market part is crucial too like you say. But that s not a common approach still from what I ve seen
    Robert James
    Before, it helps validate the idea.
    Sadie Scott
    Before, user insights are gold.
    Samuel Morris
    Before, their input is crucial.
    Sophia Watson
    Before, it saves time and resources.
    Olga iaLOVEnko
    I do customer development interview before building up a product. Mostly to understand what they want to buy, what is their pain point. It's easier to sell them what they want to buy then what you produced. ) Because even if you know your idea is bright and your product is useful. They should buy it for themselves. Any change could be made only if there's a wish to change. People don't like changes even if it's for better.
    Ali Khan
    Talking to potential users both **before** and **after** building your product is crucial for creating a successful product. Here's why engaging with users at both stages is important: ### 1. **Before Building the Product:** - **Understanding the Market Need:** Engaging with potential users before you start building helps you validate the need for your product. This can prevent you from spending time and resources on a product that doesn’t solve a real problem or that no one wants. - **Defining the Problem:** By discussing with users, you can gain deeper insights into the specific problems they face. This allows you to design a solution that directly addresses their pain points. - **Prioritizing Features:** Early user feedback helps in prioritizing features that matter most to your target audience. This ensures that your initial version (MVP) is focused on delivering maximum value. - **Setting Expectations:** Understanding user expectations early on helps you align your product’s vision with what users actually want, which can guide your development process. ### 2. **After Building the Product:** - **User Feedback and Iteration:** Once you have a product, it’s essential to get feedback from users to see how well it meets their needs. This feedback allows you to make necessary improvements, fix bugs, and refine features. - **Validating Product-Market Fit:** After launch, talking to users helps you understand if your product truly fits the market. Are users satisfied? Are they recommending it to others? This can inform future updates and help you pivot if needed. - **Building User Relationships:** Engaging with users after they’ve started using your product helps build a community and fosters loyalty. Users who feel heard are more likely to stick with your product and provide ongoing feedback. - **Marketing Insights:** Post-launch user conversations can provide insights into how to better market your product, including understanding what messaging resonates most with your audience. https://ayatulkursihindi786.com/
    Janu Lingeswaran
    Before! You should build a product WITH your Potential users
    I think conversation is part of it, and what’s more important is to obtain valuable information during the conversation, because many times people’s behavior does not correspond to their expressed views. What we need more is the real behavior of users.
    Embun Rara
    It's fascinating how this question really highlights the balance between innovation and user-centered design. While building first can spark creativity and speed up the process, talking to potential users beforehand is crucial for aligning the product with real market needs. I can attest that early conversations with users not only mitigate risks but also often unveil insights that can refine the initial concept in ways you might not anticipate. It’s a strategic move to ensure that what you build is not just innovative, but also truly valuable.
    giorgi khatiashvili
    Yes, this way I can more accurately identify their challenges.