How do y'all currently find good examples or inspiration for different product emails?

Wyatt Feaster
14 replies
For things such as product releases, upsell emails, marketing, password resetting, account change, abandon cart, etc.


Wyatt Feaster
@eva_consuegra thank you. Do you just use the for inspiration or anything else specifically?
Daniel Zaitzow
Pageflows is the best I've found for user onboarding but I personally subscribe to all of my competitors to see how they structure their campaigns.
Wyatt Feaster
@dzaitzow Oh that’s helpful to know. Love page flows myself! What about their campaigns are you looking at specifically?
Daniel Zaitzow
@wyatt_feaster on-boarding sequences / off boarding sequences / empty cart emails / newsletters / formatting / calls to action / frequency / product updates etc.
Wyatt Feaster
@dzaitzow thanks that’s super helpful! I’m trying to understand the space more as I’m working on a side project for place for people to be able to go reference emails for all of those use cases.
Daniel Zaitzow
@wyatt_feaster Very cool - Keep me posted because I am sure there is a use case for that. I haven't found anything that has company campaigns simply outlined.
Wyatt Feaster
@dzaitzow One more question about the campaigns, what are you looking for that you haven't been able to find easily? Are you looking to see what date they were sent? What emails are involved in a specific flow, such as all emails the company has sent specifically to "empty cart" or "a new feature release"