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  • How do you know you've found product-market fit?

    Luka Brzin
    3 replies
    I read this great article on 1stroundreview that said there are 3 signs of finding product market fit: 1. Complaints (when the product isn't working or doing what it should) 2. Silence (when product is working and doing what it should) 3. Willingness to pay (going from a free version to a paid version and users sticking with it is usually the best indication of finding pmf) What do you guys think? What were the signs you cam across that mad you believe you found the product-market fit?


    Nathan Covey
    #1 is an underrated point. When you get complains it shows that people are interested enough to not give up on the product but want it to get better!
    Luka Brzin
    @nathancovey It's true. Not many people talk about this but I read about it in this interview: https://review.firstround.com/go...
    Odette Celeste Montgomery
    Growth + repeat usage. When you see week over week growth in signups but more importantly rising retention and repeat usage, that's a great signal you've found PMF. Also agreed that getting some passionate complaints means folks care enough to want it to be better vs just churning.