How to optimize your Product Hunt profile? Best tips.

Olena Bomko
50 replies
1/ Verify your email. 2/ Connect your social media (LinkedIn is the most important). 3/ Profile pic (The same picture across all social media channels/the same pic colors for all your team/gif with your company logo). 4/ It's clear what you/your company do(es). 5/ A link to your website. 6/ A link to your PH launch.


Elena Phan
Thank you for sharing šŸ™Œ
Nico Spijker
Great list! Would also recommend adding a link to relevant socials (i.e. personal Twitter or LinkedIn), can help with personal networking and building your individual brand as well.
Olena šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ
Andrew Noah
1. Familiarize Yourself with Product Hunt: Learn the platform's best practices, popular tags, and community culture. Engage in discussions and build relationships with makers and hunters. 2. Craft a Compelling Narrative: Write a clear and concise product description that highlights your unique value proposition, benefits, and target audience. Focus on storytelling and emotional connection. 3. Visuals Matter: Design stunning screenshots, GIFs, and product videos that showcase your product's features and benefits in an engaging way. 4. Gather Social Proof: Secure early user testimonials, press mentions, and influencer endorsements to add credibility and trust.
Mahsima Dastan
So lets use this tips for my profile. Thanks Olena
Great list! Thanks for sharing!
That's unfortunate for those who don't want to link their LinkedIn profiles.
Olena Bomko
@mho22 Why they don't want?
@olenabomko, I currently prefer not to use LinkedIn. It might be a choice I'll reconsider later, but at the moment, I'm not fond of it.
Jasmine Butters
Verify your email. Profile pic (The same picture across all social media channels/the same pic colors for all your team/gif with your company logo).
Igor Lysenko
Thanks for the advice, but Iā€™m more inclined to believe that the brand has good profile optimization.
Andre Yang
3. Visuals Matter: Design stunning screenshots, GIFs, and product videos that showcase your product's features and benefits in an engaging way.
Fabian Maume
Follow relevant product hunt topics: Those will show as interest on your profile. Be active in the discussion area of Product Hunt, that is the best way to get followers on your profile.
Sophia Williams
Hey there! Your tips on optimizing a Product Hunt profile are really helpful. I'm actually in the process of preparing to launch my own product soon, and I would love to get some advice from you. Also, once my product is live, I'd really appreciate your feedback. Feel free to click on the "Notify" button to get notified when it's ready. Thanks in advance!
Parth Kunjir
Hi @olenabomko Solid tips on optimizing your Product Hunt profile! šŸš€ Adding a couple more: 7/ Craft a compelling tagline. 8/ Engage in the community ā€“ respond to comments
Colby Fifer
Thank you for this! This is just what I was looking for šŸ˜‹ Iā€™m excited to join the product hunt community!
Agustin Spada
Great tips! Being active is the best thing.
Lakshya Singh
Amazing! Thanks for the tips Olena!
Launching soon!
Really informative, thanks a lot for sharing!šŸ˜
Reid C
Seems so basic but realized I hadn't done half of these. Thanks!