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  • What are the subreddits to target when launching a new product ?

    1 reply
    Reddit is growing fast and we see many stories of makers posting with 100 000 + views there and getting a lot of traffic and attention. But where to post ? What are the best subreddits your recommend to post on when launching ?


    Gurkaran Singh
    Hey there! As a tech enthusiast and startup aficionado, I've navigated through the vast landscape of Reddit to promote various products. When it comes to launching a new product, I suggest targeting subreddits that align with your product's niche and interests. For tech products, subreddits like r/technology, r/startups, and r/programming can be great starting points. If your product relates to data science, r/datascience could be a goldmine. Just remember to engage with the community, follow subreddit rules, and avoid being too sales-focused. Reddit can be a powerful platform for outreach, so put your best foot forward and watch the upvotes roll in! Good luck on your launch!