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  • What is the best piece of Product Hunt advice you have ever received?

    Daniel Engelke
    10 replies
    Just starting out here and learning about the platform, any useful advice would be greatly appreciated!


    Nedim Katica
    Always community and connections. Direct messages through various platforms. Engagement and shared support for each one.
    One of the best pieces of advice I received on Product Hunt is to actively engage with the community. Launching your product is just the beginning; take time to comment on other posts, provide feedback, and participate in discussions. This builds relationships and can lead to valuable feedback and support for your own product. Also, don't underestimate the power of a compelling story behind your product – it makes your launch more relatable and memorable.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Product Hunt launch will not save your company 99,9%. So do not rely completely on PH launch (you do not have to be listed). It is a part of the marketing game.
    Daniel Engelke
    @busmark_w_nika absolutely, is part of the reason why we've worked on building some different channels as well!
    Pablo Roig
    What you give will be given to you
    Hossein Yazdi
    Here are my tips from my experience in past 4 launches: 😊 1. Build community outside Product Hunt beforehand (Twitter/ LinkedIn) 2. Make sure your product is very neat and complete before launch (including your PH page) 3. Create a teaser page and promote it/ gain followers for your launch day. 4. Preferably ask a hunter to hunt your product. 5. On your launch day, try your best to "NOT GIVE UP" at any point and remain active the Full day. 6. On your launch day, post about your launch on social media and ask everyone you can for support (DM/ Posting) That's all I could think, oh, and something else, make sure your "tagline" is catchy enough to drive people to click on your page. Many underestimate the importance of a good tagline, however, that's one of the most influential points in a product's launch success!
    Ahmet Can Aslan
    The best advice I've received is to engage genuinely with the community and focus on providing value, not just self-promotion. Treat Product Hunt as a platform to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from their experiences, and share your own insights.