What's stopping you from creating your own business?

Alizée Chasse
4 replies
Personally, I'm thinking of creating automated marketing reports for small businesses but I feel like a second mind would be great to start, take some radical decisions and launch a product that is effective even if it's not perfect. Mostly here, we're a good bunch that'd love to create their own business — if it's not already done — so what's stopping you from doing it?


Sanjay Somashekar
I feel the initial mindset to start off a new business would come after being involved in building something with some experienced folks. We will learn the actual business problems, post which we can work towards a solution for the same
Alizée Chasse
@sanjay_somashekar Yes, being mentored (kind of) is of great help! I only recently encountered people like that and it's helped me grow so much since...
Fitore Miftari
I think for most people, it's the fear of giving up security and a "good enough" lifestyle and position. So short fear of failure. But I think we're supposed to face our fears.
Alizée Chasse
@fitore_miftari Funny enough, working on side projects is liberating and refreshing. As a bit of an hyperactive person, it has helped to focus on work in a better and more efficient way. Get rid of all the noise around, you see?