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  • What sparked your startup journey?

    Vlad Zivkovic
    85 replies
    Product Hunters share the moment which initiated the beginning of your startup journey!


    Arik Nazaha
    Itโ€™s my startup, my dream, and ofc my own culture and office rule ๐Ÿ˜… Also, I really love the learning curve of start something thatโ€™s on my own, only have myself to blame, and the improvement cycle is a relief.
    Evelyn Harris
    What sparked your startup journey? ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿš€ I'd love to hear the story behind your entrepreneurial adventure and the moment that ignited your passion to build something amazing!
    Jocelyn To
    I'm building an AI-powered tool to translate and dub your received foreign-language video and audio messages in your preferred language. It's kinda similar to YouTube's new dub tool, but for video/audio messages, like Loom or CleanShot X videos. As a digital marketer who's not a native English speaker, I often get video messages from users and partners giving me feedback on the product, but due to the language barrier, I can't fully understand them. For example, I recently got a 20-minute screen recording from an experienced front-end developer who gave me really detailed and valuable feedback on a product and the landing page, from the value proposition to differentiates, to landing page execution. Every detail he pointed out is worth a ton to me. However, since the speaking speed is a bit too quick for me to understand, I still can't get what he said in some parts even if I replayed them many times. That brings me to the idea of building a tool to translate and dub the video and audio messages you received in the language you're most comfortable with. Eliminate the language barriers to effective communication, and leave no room for misunderstanding or missing out on any key details that matter to you. Feel free to check my product TransTalks here: https://mmntm.me/transtalks
    Jocelyn To
    @alec_afforai So great to know that. May I connect with you on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Email?
    Alec Nguyen
    @jocelyuki Of course, please connect me on twitter and linkedin. also, I have a launch scheduled for next wednesday. would you consider follow our launch?
    Alec Nguyen
    @jocelyuki Hi Jocelyn, my product is just launched, and I would be incredibly grateful if you could support me with an honest review. Here's the link: producthunt.com/posts/afforai
    Igor Lysenko
    The impetus for my startup was my problem, and this has grown into the fact that I want to help others with the same problem.
    Mark Pavlyukovskyy
    The spark for my startup journey was a combination of passion, a problem that needed solving, and the desire to make a positive impact in the world.
    Issa Ba
    Always new stuff to pursue!
    Alec Nguyen
    @issa_venly hey issa, in the spirit of new stuff, I have a launch scheduled for next wednesday. would you consider following our launch?
    Nick Anisimov
    I didn't have any money when I was 15. And no one wanted to hire me, so I had no choice.
    Alec Nguyen
    @nickanisimov Yes, 100%. one thing really left unsaid is the situation leading to creating a startup could also be very dependent on your situation
    Alec Nguyen
    @nickanisimov @vladimir_zivkovic hey Vlad, I have a launch scheduled for next wednesday. would you consider following our launch?
    Alec Nguyen
    @nickanisimov Hi Nick, I just launched my product. If you have a moment, I would greatly appreciate your support and an honest review. Here's the link: producthunt.com/posts/afforai
    Not a good enough product in the market to solve the problem of being able to invest in top crypto projects, with choice of my exchange and without having to do any research of my own.
    Shajedul Karim
    hey, i love this question, a chance to go back in time and introspect. for me, it wasn't a single moment, but a gradual culmination of moments. it was a puzzle slowly coming together, piece by piece, until the image was unmistakably clear. it started with the realization of how i loved building and creating things, merging technology and ideas to craft something valuable. i was in awe of how even a simple line of code can birth an entire universe, which in turn can influence people's lives. then came the need for more. the yearning to craft something that could leave a dent, an urge to take the driver's seat in shaping the future. i wasn't content with just standing on the shoulders of giants. i wanted to be the one building the shoulders for others. the final piece fell in place when i realized that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. we are only limited by our imagination and willingness to turn our dreams into reality. so, here i am, one small step in a giant leap, riding the startup wave, hoping to contribute to the endless ocean of possibilities. the journey isn't easy, it's filled with waves of highs and lows, but the voyage is rewarding, the learning is priceless. and, it's not just about the destination, but the journey and the stories you create along the way. keep hustling, keep building!
    Divine Rivers
    @shajedulkarim_ Similar reasons in many respects. Definitely a culmination of moments. With our solution being a marketplace launching its first half on July 17th, we are solving bi I faced on both ends. The reason being to simply solve my own problem, quickly grew to solving the problems of many, to now having done so much research that I am passionate about the positive impacting the world solving this problem can have on life
    Vlad Zivkovic
    @shajedulkarim_ Great stuff! Keep up the good work!
    Annoying email threads, lost attachments and fragmented conversations across emails and WhatsApp, got us going, "Oki we need to do something about this.๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ"
    Cyril Gupta
    I decided I was going to be an entrepreneur since I was 14 because that was the only way to make serious money. Back at that time in my home country the jobs paid very low. Umm.. That was 28 years ago.
    Alec Nguyen
    @cyriljeet hey Cyril, I have a launch scheduled for next wednesday. would you consider following our launch?
    Alec Nguyen
    @cyriljeet Hi Cyril, I've launched my product and I could really use your feedback, Here's the link if you don't mind: producthunt.com/posts/afforai
    Renat Abyasov
    The starting point for me was when I heard from colleagues that they wanted to do a startup about presentation design. I immediately liked the idea because it was my personal pain :)
    Ben Bellerose
    I kinda fell into it. I've always loved programming and building apps (I started as a hobbyist), then one day a co-worker asked if I wanted to help their friend out with an app. I said yes since I do this on the side for fun anyways. A couple of months later I quit my job and joined the start-up full time. It's funny how things work out.
    Alec Nguyen
    @ben_bellerose hey Ben, I have a launch scheduled for next wednesday. would you consider following our launch?
    Alec Nguyen
    @ben_bellerose we made a new AI framework to improve output on these AI chatbots train on your documents, websites, etc thanks for the interest.
    Alec Nguyen
    combination of the situation, stage in life, passion, and idea
    Divine Rivers
    Great Question. It is interesting because I am not entrepreneurial by nature. However, I came across a frustrating/infuriating problem I and many other professionals around me faced. What motivated me and what still motivates me to this day is this problem I and many close to me still currently face. As an FP&A analyst, I've always had an affinity for studying business models so when it came time to think of a solution for my problem, It didn't take long to land on my startup idea. In many respects, it came naturally and organically. Because of this, the conviction has always been very high and has grown the more and more we've built and talked to people. I am excited to launch the first half of our marketplace to the world come July 17th and hear what people think of the solution!
    Divine Rivers
    @vladimir_zivkovic Prepared and executing as we just launched Careering - The Marketplace for Everyday Professionals to supplement their Salary today for sign-ups. Check it out at TheCareering.com My Co-Founder and I are looking for candid feedback from other Founders and builders as we are first-time Founders. Would love to hear your thoughts on everything from design, flow, idea, our solution, problem, and Marketing. Learn More Info at producthunt.com/discussions/we-just-launched-and-careering-is-now-live-looking-for-all-the-feedback-we-can-get-thanks
    The spark for my startup journey ignited when I encountered a problem that I felt compelled to solve. I observed a gap in the market or a specific need that wasn't being addressed adequately. This realization inspired me to take action and create a solution through entrepreneurship. I wanted to make a positive impact, disrupt the status quo, and create something innovative that could benefit others. That initial spark of identifying a problem and envisioning a solution was what kick-started my startup journey.
    Nishant Modi
    Staying close with everyone that matters.
    Alfonso Alvarez
    With my first startup: The hype. My mentors. Wanting to learn a lot of techs. (That's how I entered DevOps) Now: I want to create something that will help others. Current startup: I lived burnout. It was awful. I want to help people prevent burnout and live better.
    Alec Nguyen
    @thisisroushan Hey Muhammad, just followed your launch. , I've launched my product and I could really use your feedback, Here's the link if you don't mind: producthunt.com/posts/afforai
    It all started with a casual help I did to my CEO @omnath who also happened to be my college mate without expecting anything. I wrote some piece of UI texts for him for free. That was it. Ever since then, the ride has been quite wild and there was no looking back. We built our own community platform that has 100K+ users. That's when we realized there are businesses and creators finding it hard to build and run their own communities. So we started focusing on giving community forum solutions that would ease their journey in running their community in their own branding without writing a single line of code.