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    Reputation = Prestige = Stature = Prominence = Power = Personal Brand Your reputation is your best work of art. Build it Guard it Control it Preserve it Showcase it Safeguard it with your life Display it like an artist displays his craft 'Cause everything relies on it. Folks will talk about you, whether you like it or not, whether you care about it or not. And even if you don't give a damn about what people think and say about you, your clients, your investors, and your peers do care. It's your duty to give them the stories you want to work with, not the stories they come up with by themselves. If you don't manage your reputation, they will do it for you. And if you worry about the cost of taking care of your reputation, let's talk about the cost of NOT taking care of it.


    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    So true. It takes time but it is absolutely worth it!
    Spot on, Adrian! 🔥 I learned this way too late but applied it immediately.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    This is so true. It is hard to create some reputation but very easy to damage it.