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    Train your own AI
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    Train your own AI

    That moment when you walk into a room and forget why... A new product wants to fill the gap every time your memory fails you. Which is a lot — we forget 80% of the information we experience daily.

    Personal.ai is, well, a personal AI. It captures your spoken, written, and visual memories on a “Memory Stack” (even using legacy data from Google Calendar and Twitter) to help you remember things later by delivering proactive or timed messages. Your AI can even engage with others for you – sort of like the son of Anton, for all you Silicon Valley viewers.

    "Think of all the time that you can save when your AI can message in your own voice, trained on your own memories."

    Your AI gets better/is trained the more you use it over time. GPT-3 is built on the memories of the public internet, while [Personal.ai] is built on the memories of your private self,” co-founder Suman Kanuganti explained to TechCrunch before competing in TechCrunch Disrupt Battlefield 2020 under its former name, LutherAI (link in quote added by us).

    We know what you’re thinking: What about privacy? Handing over all my data — even voice records — to a company?

    “We’ve decentralized your memories from your identity and secured them with blockchain technology to ensure no one — not even us — can see what you capture with your AI,” wrote Xiaoran Zhang with today’s launch. Zhang, an NLP product builder, is part of a co-founding team of AI experts led by Suman Kanuganti. The founding team brings combined experience from past work at LinkedIn, Google, and Intuit (to name a few).

    Privacy is a centerpiece topic for the company. The makers of Personal.ai are adamant about building an AI product that will have a positive impact on humanity. Personal.ai has pledged to never sell your data for advertising, but blockchain technology is what’s at the crux of the company’s work to keep your “virtual identity” safe from bad actors. To store users’ data, it uses Oasis Labs, a privacy tech company built on a permissionless blockchain. In addition to decentralizing your data, maker Marc Ettlinger explained to a commenter that users can delete their data from the system forever, if they so choose.

    What do you think? Do you want to see what it’s like to train your own virtual assistant, or do you still have questions? Don’t be shy. 👇

    I can't see the whiteboard
    Owl Labs launched its latest product — Whiteboard Owl, a 360° smart whiteboard camera. The camera pairs with the Meeting Owl (a smart 360° video conferencing camera) and uses computer vision technology to enhance the view of the whiteboard so everyone can see it during hybrid meetings. It also captures high res images for use later.
    How our launch helped us iterate fast to find product-market fit
    Earlier this year, Jitter launched and landed at #2 product of the day and #4 of the week with over 1,700 upvotes. Maker Sébastien Robaszkiewicz (Robi) shared the story behind the successful launch.
    😺 💸

    Congrats to our newest Maker Grant recipients!

    Isha Mehra from F*** You Pay Me

    Parth Jadhav from Tkinter Designer

    Sindre Sorhus from Plash

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