Valentin Chrétien

Specify 2.0 - Your design token engine


Flexible and powerful, Specify makes it easy to build the exact Design Token process your Design System needs. Our Design Token Engine supports endless workflows and advanced features like Aliases, Modes/Themes & Collections, without any limitations.

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Valentin Chrétien
Hi PH! I'm Valentin, CEO and co-founder of Specify 👋 We’re so excited to launch Specify 2.0 and share it with you today! Specify has been around for some years now resolving your main distribution issues between design and code. 2 years ago, we launched our 1.0 on Product Hunt and the feedback received from the community has been incredible. We’ve had amazing conversations with users, customers, designers, founders, developers and design system engineers, and we used that to make our platform even more accessible and powerful. We introduced more parsers, more compatibility with other platforms in the market and asset compatibility. However, something was still lingering. In all conversations we have had, most of the feedback was shared around all design tools using their own data format and this making it impossible to create a real source of truth and streamlined workflow. And that’s why we started working on something groundbreaking: in 2023 we have launched our new Specify Design Token Format, based upon the specification created by the Design Token Community Group. This format forms the basis of design token future. It took us a while to create, and we are proud to announce that it’s the only format in the market that opens up real compatibility between your design and code. So then, what we really needed was a way to leverage this format, to not just let it live in the back but to really show the possibilities to the audience. And that’s why today we are launching Specify 2.0 - your Design Token Engine. This engine includes not ‘just’ the common integrations with Github, or a CLI, to transform your design tokens into the code output you need. This engine also includes a new repository and an SDK, which opens up ALL possibilities to start working with our format. Feature highlights: ⚡ New repository: sync design tokens coming from Figma (variables and/or styles) or from Tokens Studio, or from your JSON files into one single repository. Yes, you have read that right, our format supports all of these tokens into one single repository. And now that’s a great starting point. 🔌 SDK: start to utilise your source of truth in your own specific way. You can structurize, transform, rename and ‘manipulate’, the design tokens created by your design team in any form. Making it possible and easy for you to filter out only the tokens you need for your platform or product that you are working on. You can be in real control over your design system and design tokens. 🌐 SVG compatibility: Automatically collect, store, distribute, and optimize your SVGs, in the same repository as your tokens. Output them in any format you wish by using parsers or the SDK. 🔒 Extended parser list: - to-css-custom-properties - to-style-dictionary - to-tailwind - to-javascript - to-typescript - to-json - to-react-native - to-flutter - svgo - svg-to-jsx - svg-to-tsx This is just a list of the last couple of weeks. See the full list here: When Pierre-Antoine, Antoine, Louis and I started Specify a couple of years ago, we had one mission: to empower organizations to manage their branding at scale. Specify 2.0 is another giant step towards this mission and we’re happy to be sharing with you. More importantly, this is the foundation on which we’ll build the future of our platform over the next few years. In 2024. we’re planning to add teams and collaboration features, more parsers, improve the SDK and much more. We are ready for the future of design tokens, are you? How can you help? 1. Try Specify 2.0 – start importing your design tokens and start playing around using our parsers, CLI, SDK and even our playground. 2. Share it with your design and front end dev teams, and with your designer friends. The more feedback, the faster we can go. 3. Did you not find the parser that you are looking for, or are you wondering if your preferred output can ever be created by a tool or platform? Start challenging us and upload your output preference here on Github. 🎁 And here’s a little gift for you: 50% off We want to thank you for all the valuable feedback and support you’ve given us. If you’re happy what you’re seeing, let us know and you’ll get 50% off your annual subscription - applicable until 31 March 2024. We can’t wait to hear your feedback! Val and the Specify Team
flo merian
Launching soon!
@valentinchrt keep up your great work, Val 👏👏
Valentin Chrétien
@fmerian thanks a lot, Flo 💜
Jonas Ulrich
We really liked what we've used of Specify 1.0, can't wait to try my hands on version 2.0! Especially moving closer to the upcoming, native token spec seems like a great thing to have! 🙌
Valentin Chrétien
@tsnmp Thanks a lot, Jonas! I agree with you. We've been working with the DTCG from the start, which is why we've revamped our entire format. This revamp is inspired by the upcoming standard, allowing us to be compatible with a wide range of token types and advanced concepts like aliases, modes, and collections. Feel free to send us your feedback, and I'd be happy to discuss it with you! 💜
Maribelle Pepito
This is a cool product! Congratulations on your Product Hunt launch!
Valentin Chrétien
@maribelle_pepito Thank you very much, we appreciate it!
Abhilash Chowdhary
Going to give this a try, team Specify 2.0. Looks interesting.
Pierre Le Vaillant
Congratulations on the launch! Uniting design and engineering through a common language is a beautiful & impactful mission. Great video material on the homepage 👏
Valentin Chrétien
@pierrelevaillant Thank you very much, Pierre! It means a lot to us 💜
Antoine Plu
Congrats team once again for this new milestone. Keep pushing forward, you're on the right path! ✨🚀
Valentin Chrétien
@antoineplu Thanks a lot, Antoine! 🫶💜
Mayoyo From
Hi Valentin and the Specify Team 👋, Congratulations on the launch of Specify 2.0! It's inspiring to witness the progress since your initial launch. Your commitment to empowering organizations to manage their branding at scale is evident, and Specify 2.0 is undoubtedly a significant step towards achieving that mission. I'm excited to try out Specify 2.0, and I'll be sure to share it with my design and front-end development teams I'll be sure to provide my insights as I explore the platform. Best of luck on the journey ahead!
Valentin Chrétien
@mayoyo25 Thank you, Franklin. We appreciate your kindness!
Audrey Cobbs
This seems super cool, will give it a try! Congrats!!
Paul Pamfil
Nice launch, congrats!
Valentin Chrétien
@paul_pamfil Thank you, Paul! 🙌
Woohoo, congrats to the whole team 🥳 Sounds exciting 🔥
Valentin Chrétien
@rominadesigner Thaaaanks a lot, Romina! 💜
Antoni Kozelski
Specify 2.0 is truly a revolutionary update to the Specify platform! Congratulations to the entire team!
Valentin Chrétien
@antonikozelski Wow, thank you so much, Antoni! 🫶
Nuno Reis
This is interesting 🤔 Hope the launch goes great! 😁
Valentin Chrétien
@nuno_ms_reis Thanks, Nuno!
Andrew Wipkeo
Looks intresting
Zayan Riyaz
Congrats on the Launch! How does Specify's Design Token Engine accommodate the creation of customizable Design Token processes for Design Systems, and could you provide insights into how advanced features such as Aliases, Modes/Themes, and Collections are seamlessly integrated to enhance flexibility and functionality
Antoine Moreaux
Hi @zayan_riyaz Thank you so much for your kind words. We started by creating a design token format that included features like aliases, modes, groups, and collections. - Aliases to be able to create references between tokens and to allow create a reference for a particular part of a token. For example, to be able to alias only the color of the border and keep the rest of the values absolute. - Group to allow organizing tokens by folder. So you can use group to group your tokens by semantic, platform, brand… It’s very flexible. And aliases are independent from the groups. It means you can create aliases between tokens in different groups. - Modes are useful to define different values using an external context, like color themes or different devices. Modes are defined by tokens… … and they can be used in a collection to validate that all tokens in a collection include all the modes described in the collection. It means that if you consume a collection to generate your themes light and dark, you are sure that each token has value for each theme. We continued the development by creating a convertor between Figma and Specify to generate all tokens in seconds. And we complete the product by creating an SDK, an API, and integration with GitHub that leverages our transforms to generate any kind of code. In conclusion, we provide a list of tools and features to do what you want with your design tokens.
Victor Palanco
Congratulations on the launch!! Upvoted
Daniela Muntyan
Amazing product!
Valentin Chrétien
@daniela_muntyan Thank you, Daniela!
RJ Clarke
Love the product, and really appreciated the care and attention to detail y'all have put into this product. Excited to see what 2.0 can do!
Valentin Chrétien
@rawrjays Thank you very much! If you have any feedback, please do not hesitate to share it :)
Glorian Mariyapnooor
True example of a tool being the designers best friend. Great execution by the team. Kudos @valentinchrt 👏
Valentin Chrétien
@glorian_mariyapnooor Thank you so much! :)
Shahmir Faisal
Congrats on the launch Valentin !