

The Place Where You Go After Launching Your Startup
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What is Descrumble?
Descrumble is a digital startup hub where you go after launching on PH. You can find other founders to talk to, startups to keep an eye on or find trending niches where you can expand.
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Recent launches

121 Startup Ideas List
121 startup ideas list is not the list of tools and is not the list of keywords. Here, you'll find inspiration for your next startup, learn how to find the demand, and nail down the concept.
121 Startup Ideas List image
Copyhackers Workshop
Become better at selling your stuff with copywriting in 20 days. This is a series of emails that will teach you copywriting secrets, hacks, and methods from the best copywriters of all time. You'll get the lesson, the material to read, and the task.
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