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What is Hipstamatic®?
Take a trip down memory lane with Hipstamatic, the camera app that brings back the golden age of mobile photography. Join a community of like-minded creators. No ads, no AI, no algorithms, just pure creativity from you and your friends.
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Recent launches

Hipstamatic Model 10 Camera
Shoot More. Edit Never. Hipstamatic's reimagined camera app for iPhone. Inspired by rangefinders and plastic cameras, the new Model 10 update is the first major camera UI update since the original release 14 years ago.
Hipstamatic Model 10 Camera image
Take a trip down memory lane with Hipstamatic, the camera app that brings back the golden age of mobile photography. Join a community of like-minded creators. No ads, no AI, no algorithms, just pure creativity from you and your friends.
Hipstamatic® image