

Stellar is an open network for storing and moving money.
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What is Stellar?
Stellar is a multi-currency payment backend that tens of thousands of people use every day. It’s decentralized, open-source, and developer-friendly, so anyone can issue assets, settle payments, and trade. Stellar is a blockchain, but it works more like cash—Stellar is much faster and cheaper than bitcoin, for example. And it uses far less electricity.
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Recent launches

Stellar Quest
Interested in learning a bit about cryptocurrency without all the “when-moon” hokus pokus? Just want to understand the tech? Need a sensible place to start? Welcome to Stellar Quest.
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Stellar Community Fund
The Stellar Community Fund gives you the chance to kickstart your Stellar-based projects and connect to the thriving Stellar community. You can road test ideas, get real feedback from developers and users, and win funding to allow you to pursue your vision.
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