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  • Airalo

    Data packs at local rates for instant connectivity
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    What do people think of Airalo?

    The community submitted 44 reviews to tell us what they like about Airalo, what Airalo can do better, and more.
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    1.7/5All time (31 reviews)
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    44 Reviews
    Lachlan Anderson
    1 review
    THEY REUSE CODES THAT WON'T WORK. - I have used Airalo a few times now. The first 3-4 times were as normal as can be expected, recommended it to everyone as an eSim provider option not having used any other providers. However, this time was different. Went to buy a new eSim upon arriving, purchased it, went to install it immediately as I normally would, and was hit with a "This code is no longer valid" error message. With no options available. So I tried again about 20 times, tweaking something each time (updates, restarting, etc) So I contacted the support in the app. An hour had passed so I got a different eSim and got going to my hotel. 6 hours later they contacted me asking me to run through the setup multiple ways - ways I had tried - immediately getting hit with the same message. After some back and forth they wanted me to turn on one of the previous ones I had used with them and tried suggesting that it was actually that one. I, not being a complete idiot, didn't fall for that. After a bit more back and forth the support agent just said we appreciate your feedback and then closed the chat. Although 4/5 times it worked as it should - in the event you get a code that's already used- seems like you can just say goodbye to whatever you paid with no real help whatsoever.
    Useless in Germany - the service requires that you connect to the O2.de network. This is not available in larger parts of Germany (Hessen, Frankfurt, Kassel). I contacted customer support for Airalo and I have yet to hear back from the after a week.
    Lundy Mundy
    software engineer
    1 review
    when it works, it works great. However, their system has NOTICEABLE holes. Preemptively topping up your sim card does nothing, and it is something they have been aware of for at least a year. Additionally, their customer support can only be accessed though the phone app with internet and takes forever to respond. This company was put together by obvious idiots who either assume that everybody also has a physical sim card for the country they are travelling (which defeats the purpose of the app) or have never actually travelled
    DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT. I have been waiting since 21st July for a refund for a service that doesn't work. I have contacted Airalo via their website and email and they are not returning contact


    1 review
    I tried airalo when traveling to taiwan. It did not work at all. Customer service took 4 days for the first reply, which did not help.
    I spent 3 days with tech support to get my hotspot working. I know nothing about tech on phones. In the end they were worthless I figured out the problem on the 4th day myself. I took the phone off automatic carrier selection and tried the other carrier. It worked! Now why didn't they think of that? My amateur tech advice, In CH, USE SALT NOT SUNRISE IF YOU WANT TO HOT SPOT and don't bother calling the loosers at tech support.
    arjen hof
    arjen hof
    1 review
    Rip off. Colombia esim on the Movistar network: no reception 30% of the time and blowing thru 2 gb in 2 days just using whatsapp, email and my booking system.......
    Doer of things
    1 review
    I bought it, tried for an hour to set it up but the directions did not agree with my android version, they used words that I did not understand. They say call for help but i had no working phone. I feel this was a waste of time and money
    Dean Ablong


    1 review
    Ok so just like most of the reviews here, my top-up never worked! I should have trusted the rating in here before I purchased Airalo. My first account’s top-up never worked. The only solution for me to get data was to create a new account and buying an altogether new plan. So the top-up I bought was for nothing. Money wasted. And guess what, customer service not helpful at all. Anyway, for the second time with my new Airalo account, my top-up did not work again. Airalo keeps saying it automatically kicks in but nope! Its frustrating if you are in constant move and if you are in a location with scarce wifi! Never using it again.
    1 review
    I bought an eSIM card for Europe. It worked only for a few hours a day and the connection was very slow. I had to buy a local SIM card. I asked Airalo for a refund but they denied it. I don't recommend them.