

Android 11
16 reviews

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What do people think of Android?

The community submitted 16 reviews to tell us what they like about Android, what Android can do better, and more.

4.5/5All time (16 reviews)
Recently (4 reviews)
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Zackary Goncz
15 reviews
Android loyalist here. Never had a reason to look elsewhere. More intuitive and flexible than its competitor in my opinion. Whenever someone hands me a non-Android phone I hand it right back. I ain't got time for anything but Android.
1 review
Aim bot for pubg to guide a player
Verlon Marsh
1 review
I love Android because it gives me the opportunity to do so many things. xx
Papannagari Chandrakala
5 reviews
I am an android user and its very user friendly
Jurgen Blick
1 review
Never used it looking forward using it
rick ashley
2 reviews
like open source system and install all I want
mohamed Gamal
2 reviews
A unique and beautiful application that helps me identify anyone who is spying on my computer. It is excellent
7 reviews
Good, customizable, user friendly but need to improve security and privacy feature. Warn user if any app is copying data from clipboard or any sensor. Provide more controller to user to restrict the app than application itself
Enzo Le
1 review
nie jest zły... choć mógłby być bardziej rozszerzony i przez to bardziej czytelny...
Peter Wright
4 reviews
I enjoy linux and Android