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  • Be.Live

    Live streaming app to make the whole world your studio
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    What do people think of Be.Live?

    The community submitted 41 reviews to tell us what they like about Be.Live, what Be.Live can do better, and more.
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    41 Reviews
    Vasiliki Anastasopoulou
    2 reviews
    Amazing software for both beginners and experts in live streaming. I love the branding options as well as all the widgets available and of course the AI comment assistant.
    Inga Viznytsia
    2 reviews
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    Review of Be.Live
    Viktor Yatskin
    Product Manager & Maker
    7 reviews
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    Review of Be.Live
    Wow! Congrats with the launch! I used the web app several times for working needs, found it really helping during strict quarantine time. We had several internal company events hosted with be.live to our company's internal FB group and overall experience was nice! Especially quality of a stream – we've managed to stream a presentation with video and Facebook Live was okay with that, no lags and sound delays (tried to setup OBS for this need before – got stuck quite fast). Already tried an app, seems even easier to use, and we can engage watchers more. I hope the stream quality wouldn't be worse than in the web. Really waiting for IGTV integration though, with the app it seems very relevant to have. Good luck with further updates and thanks to the team working on it!
    Aleksandr Volodarsky
    CEO @ Lemon.io
    33 reviews
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    Review of Be.Live
    Kristina Zakharchenko
    International PR Lead, app explorer
    14 reviews
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    Review of Be.Live
    Great app, guys! Love the idea
    Ksusha Tunikova
    Writer and Content Marketer
    2 reviews
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    Ivan Domaretskyi


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    Review of Be.Live
    Aleksandr Akiva Volodarsky
    16 reviews
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    Review of Be.Live
    Oleksandr Kulakov
    Hey, I`m Front-end developer.
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    Review of Be.Live
    Yuliya Shyrina
    3 reviews
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    Review of Be.Live