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    What do people think of Bloks?

    The community submitted 33 reviews to tell us what they like about Bloks, what Bloks can do better, and more.
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    4.9/5All time (33 reviews)
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    33 Reviews
    Fang Yang
    Fang Yang
    Cloud Technologist
    1 review
    Bloks is getting even more powerful and sleek! Really love its versatility and ubiquity around my digital life. I'm an old school guy and prefer big monitors, mobile device for me is just a reviewing, alerting and reminding device :) With Bloks, I typically use its desktop app, or Chrome extension (Yes! while you are browsing and reading inside Chrome), to create "information/knowledge fragments" (aka, notes, calendar appointments, todos, etc.), and bingo, I can access them while I'm on the go. Great team, and super work! Keep it up!
    Ed Brill
    Ed Brill

    Product at Desert Ridge Solutions

    1 review
    I started using Bloks the day it appeared on Product Hunt. I've recently become an independent product consultant and was intrigued by the idea of a calendar-centric and person-focused tool to help me manage clients, prospects, and networking meetings. Bloks does the heavy lifting of preparing me for meetings by gathering insights on the people I'm meeting with, their relationships to me or each other, and the threads of content from various meetings. It then takes notes on meetings, without having to be an AI bot joining, and works across Teams / Zoom / Google meet etc. Those notes can be turned into action items, such as generating a LinkedIn post. I very much like the human-as-object approach and the calendar-driven thinking. Years ago at IBM we endeavored to get away from using the inbox as the driver of work, and now Bloks has finally delivered on a better approach. There is still work to be done - I feel like it needs training on going deeper to find out about the people you are meeting with, as (for example) the first brief it did about me did not even comment on the 24 years I spent at IBM. But as the AI model matures and Bloks matures on how to categorize content, I expect this to be an indispensable part of managing my business.
    Sander Remans
    1 review
    Nice trail. Not working well in other language then English. Sometimes funny summerise or action items. Both in English as in other languages. Does like were it can be heading. Waiting for un upgraded version. hefty price tag for a product that feels in concepts stage.
    Mary C
    Mary C
    Cloud Technology Consultancy CEO/Founder
    1 review
    Bloks has become an additional VA for most written content. While the brief summaries do need some tweaking, it's allowed me to easily double my output.
    Karina Barcellos
    1 review
    Amazing product, the only one I see myself continue to use to build a sort of a 2nd brain systems. Perfect for quick thinkers that hate having to make several choices when you create a note.
    Bob Downs
    Bob Downs
    Web Design & Development.
    2 reviews
    It works really well at transcribing and summarizing meetings done via virtual meeting software. The only reason I didn’t give it five stars yet is because it doesn’t have the ability to receive audio via my iPhone’s mic (for live, in person meetings) - though their customer service team told me they’re working on including the feature soon.
    Lisa Ladd
    Lisa Ladd
    Entrepreneur & Creative Soul
    1 review
    Amazing... totally blown away by this amazing APP and ALL its capabilities. WOW!!! So glad I stumbled upon it!
    Sanja Mitar
    GTM @nookcalendar
    1 review
    Best productivity app around. Totally changes the note taking and GSD game.
    karthik eeduru
    My name is karthik
    1 review
    Amazing totally blown away by this amazing APP and ALL its capabilities. WOW!!! So glad I stumbled upon it!
    Ahmed Mohamed
    20 reviews
    Amazing product for note congrats.