Instead of making outlandish, vague, and legally dubious claims about having superpowers to track and attribute on chain activity and data to real life individuals, Breadcrumbs just present the data in a straightforward way and what you do with that is, well, for the individual user. Crypto investigation will effectively always have a fundamental problem of attribution when it connects with the real world as on-chain assets are far too often mistaken by laypeople and courts alike to correspond to individual persons directly, and done in a black box and marketed with a focus of not mentioning the dreaded word that is "probablistic". Breadcrumbs isn't here to jump to conclusions for you, it merely presents the data in an ethically agnostic and fundamentally clear way, no black box attached. At a time when companies are tripping over themselves to act as if they have answers, there's certainly a degree of refreshment to a platform merely seeking to provide information, aggregated and presented. It's a platform that has no incentive to lie to its users and that is something that simply can't be said for the better known and more popular/expensive/"official" solutions out there.