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    What do people think of Codeable?

    The community submitted 26 reviews to tell us what they like about Codeable, what Codeable can do better, and more.
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    4.9/5All time (25 reviews)
    Recently (1 review)
    26 Reviews
    Panos Synetos
    1 review
    Review of Codeable
    Codeable is an awesome place to be, if you're a developer. The community is great and the team is looking after us. As a client, if you want your job done, professionally and with quality, look no further! The 28 days guarantee period is awesome, to iron out any loose ends. Codeable has a big pool of experts, so I doubt you won't find your perfect match for your projects!
    Leo Gopal
    Leo Gopal
    Writer of code and poetry
    6 reviews
    Review of Codeable
    Two things stood out about Codeable when I first started to learn about the company. The first and surprising aspect was that they have a "community" of experts who are collaborators and therefore lack the sense of competition you might find elsewhere. This had to come from somewhere, so it was no surprise that the second most vital aspect that I came to learn was its great Leadership through Per Esbensen, who I remember saying that one should be in a place where they would whistle. At the same time, they worked, and that is true of the 700+ community of experts who, with grace perform extremely high-quality of work. Happy experts give naturally happy clients, and that's the Code of Codeable that they continuously improve at. If you want to be happy and reach your WordPress development Goals, then choose Codeable. Every time.
    Francesco Carlucci
    Writing code (remotely) @ Codeable.io
    1 review
    Review of Codeable
    I use to work online on many different platforms as a software engineer since 2013. When I started on Codeable in 2017, it became the only "one and only" place for me. I found many good customers which I still work with many years later, and most importantly, a great community of fellow developers ready to help each other. I am proud to be a part of Codeable :)
    Certified WordPress Expert Developer
    2 reviews
    Review of Codeable
    Been free lancing since 2002, joined Codeable as expert in 2015 and it was life changing. I've been working and trying many other (supoosed to be) similar platforms, but this is the real deal. Developers compete with each other in a positive way, and the community is super strong. Been using it as a client too, because experts have different skillsets and I can rely on a colleague if he can take care of some aspects of a project that I'm not familiar with.
    Giannis Dallas
    I am Giannis, a WordPress developer 👋
    1 review
    Review of Codeable
    Codeable is an amazing place to work if you are a WordPress developer. You get to work with a world-class group of people, learn new things along the way, and work on some really exciting WordPress projects. The sense of community is amazing and you feel you are part of a group of colleagues rather than a freelancer marketplace.
    Sandilya Kafle
    WordPress Theme Developer
    6 reviews
    Review of Codeable
    If you are looking for the WordPress expert then Codeable is the best place to find them. Also, for WordPress developer, you can apply as an expert and make your living from WordPress. Codeable is incredibly amazing.
    Philipp Stracker
    WordPress expert
    2 reviews
    Review of Codeable
    Codeable is the go-to place for any serious WordPress developer. I really appreciate the professional communication with clients and between experts in the project workrooms. The internal Slack community is unique and fun to participate in - although a little less formal, there's always an interesting conversation going on. I enjoy working on/with Codeable! There are plenty of cool projects, many high-level clients, and I'm constantly learning new skills → shortly after joining Codeable, I've dumped my Upwork profile, and maybe you will too 😉
    Bork Nerdrum
    1 review
    This company has a completely paralyzed team who are slow at answering, never get to the point and continuously moves the project into the hands of another developer. In addition, they are expensive and unwilling to discuss the price, even when they have treated their customer with complete negligence. Absolutely terrible. They do not even deserve a one-star-rating.
    Wordpress Developer
    1 review
    Review of Codeable
    Codeable has brought so many awesome opportunities my way. The clients I work with are top notch and I love the ease of communication between us. Codeable's support team is 100% the best. They are on top of anything we have a question about. I cannot stress enough how much Codeable has changed the way I work. I enjoy it immensely.
    Designing & Marketing websites
    1 review
    Review of Codeable
    Codeable has been a life-changing platform for me and everyone else who works at our agency (Marketing the Change). We have been working with Codeable since 2015 and it has been such a positive experience. We have used it as both a client and a developer and have had amazing success with both! I would recommend any freelance developer or agency who is looking for more work to check Codeable out!