I love Directus! I've been working with it for nearly a year and a half now, and I don't plan to use anything else anytime soon. I actively contribute to the system because I love what they're doing, I love that it's free, and I love the community.
Directus cloud takes the amazing product the team has built and pushes it one step further. It's probably the least restrictive web-based data management system you'll find, and being able to run up an instance in a matter of minutes makes things so much easier when you just need to test something small.
Of course, no software is perfect. Directus has its flaws, its bugs, but the team works swift and diligently to fix what's broken and keep everything running smoothly.
It's a growing product, adding new features, fixes, and improvements every week. They listen to the needs of their community and cater the app to the people who actually use it.
But you don't need to take my word for it. You can literally sign up for Directus Cloud and test it out in less than 5 minutes, without any payment information at all. Maybe it's not for you, that's okay. What's great is they give you the tools to quickly figure that out for yourself. So why not give it a shot?