Since the fall of Athenascope, creators have searched far and wide for a service to ease the load of making conent for our social platforms. From the ashes rose, a shining beacon of hope. Always improving, always on top of any issues. The AI training teams are great to work with, and we keep running tests until the genersl user base is satisfied with the captures and highlights. My only real criticism is the lack of clips in a 3 hour stream (limit used to be 5) but for COD, having the one shot montage separate is great for snipers.
Currently, Farlight84 is giving me issues for clips but im sure we can get them where I'd like them.
Overall, for the most popular games out or upcoming, the devs and team are on point and super quick and captures 90% of the streams best moments.
One draw back is locking certain clips behind the premium price tag.