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  • Holistics Data

    Holistics Data

    Self-service Analytics with Confidence
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    What do people think of Holistics Data?

    The community submitted 21 reviews to tell us what they like about Holistics Data, what Holistics Data can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Holistics Data?
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    5/5All time (8 reviews)
    Recently (7 reviews)
    21 Reviews
    Alex Hancock
    1 review
    Great product. Sometimes a little rough around the edges, but has a good service team. Has many good features and the team keep adding more. Easy transition from enterprise Looker - has similar modelling layer, while offering much friendlier licensing costs that make this product an excellent option for start-ups. Definitely worth evaluating, have recommended several times.
    Quang Vũ Đinh
    1 review
    Great tools! Meet all of requirements for my business. Reliable technology for reasonable price
    Mạnh Tường Nguyễn
    1 review
    Best CS in the game, quick and to the point. Solve problems quickly.
    Quang Le
    Quang Le
    Software Engineer
    1 review
    Interesting and good product that bring values for users.
    Toan Lam
    Toan Lam

    Engineering at Holistics Data

    1 review
    Good BI tools, I have semantic layer, dashboard as-code and friendly chart to interact with
    Mike K
    Mike K
    Data director
    1 review
    Great product and even better customer service, highly recommend!!!
    Solved my business problems perfectly
    Thien Pham
    A product guy
    4 reviews
    My Tran
    My Tran
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    This looks great! I think you get the problem statement right. I work as a VC (venture capital) and most of the startups we spoke to (or invested in) are either under invested in BI, or over-invested for their stage (spent more money and time on it than necessary). Will share this with our group of portfolio companies.
    Recommended this product