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  • I'M SAFE

    I'M SAFE

    Women's Safety App
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    What do people think of I'M SAFE?

    The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about I'M SAFE, what I'M SAFE can do better, and more.
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    5/5All time (3 reviews)
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    3 Reviews
    Abed Mously
    Hi, I am Abed, the founder of Tapflow.
    2 reviews
    Love it, trying it was amazing, and the team is super helpful
    Dilber Uysal

    Community & Support

    1 review
    It is a great app with critical personal safety features such as track me, fake calls, and emergency numbers. It is free, easy to use, and a must-have app on our phones. I'm Safe is for everyone: not just for women and girls but also for children walking to school, adults walking to work at night etc.., there are many occasions where we might need this technology.
    baba mu
    baba mu
    Just new product lover
    28 reviews
    When traveling abroad, it would be nice to have the ability to call the police in that country in the event of an SOS. Also, although we have women in mind, it would be good to create screens for children and the elderly as well. For example, for children, use gentle expressions, and for the elderly, make the font larger and easier to read. In addition, I would like to ask you to provide multilingual support for immigrants who are in a vulnerable position.