What do people think of LeadDelta professional relationships CRM?
The community submitted 147 reviews to tell
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What do you think about LeadDelta professional relationships CRM?
Adding new people and growing my network was the biggest challenge I faced, and I'm grateful to find Lead Delta early on and start managing my connections. Lead Delta has helped me cut through the chaos in my mind and network and work more systematically not to lose any information.
One of my favorite features would be notes and tags, as I can access information quickly and have a continuous workflow. The development team is killing it with new features coming in constantly.
Absolutely brilliant! 🤩 So nice tips, so valuable insights - it lights up new ideas and opens a new possibilities! Thank you for creating this beautiful e-book and thank you for sharing it with the community! 🙏✨ Big congrats on the launch! ✨🍀🥳
Many thanks to the team for the great product. I love that it has filters and a table view. The fact that it has no ads also makes it awesome. Keep up the great work