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What do people think of LinkedIn?

The community submitted 87 reviews to tell us what they like about LinkedIn, what LinkedIn can do better, and more.
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4.7/5All time (66 reviews)
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87 Reviews
Psychologist, Data & marketing expert.
10 reviews
Networking: LinkedIn is a great way to network with professionals in your field. You can connect with people you know, as well as people you don't know but would like to get to know. LinkedIn can help you to find new jobs, collaborate on projects, and learn new things. Job search: LinkedIn is a powerful job search tool. You can create a profile that highlights your skills and experience, and search for jobs that match your qualifications. You can also receive job recommendations from your connections. Professional development: LinkedIn offers a variety of resources to help you with your professional development. You can take online courses, read articles, and watch webinars. You can also join groups and communities to connect with people who share your interests. Company research: LinkedIn is a great place to research companies that you are interested in working for. You can learn about the company's culture, values, and mission. You can also see who works at the company and what their roles are. Recruiting: LinkedIn is a popular tool for recruiters. If you are looking for a new job, it is important to have a LinkedIn profile that is complete and up-to-date. Recruiters often search for candidates on LinkedIn, so it is important to be visible on the platform.


James Kelvin


11 reviews
connect with people get what they want

Franklin Magoba

Engineering at Gitstart

1 review

Harper Brown


3 reviews
Amazing to connect


Founder & Leadership

1 review
Showcasing your expertise on LinkedIn and Product Hunt is a powerful way to position yourself as an innovator. But fostering an intrapreneurial spirit (focuses on innovation within companies) requires a shift in the US labor system. Employees need the freedom to experiment and learn without fear of employer scrutiny. Imagine a culture of psychological safety where calculated risks are encouraged, mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, and even exploring independent ideas feels supported, not like potential competition.

Alec Nguyen

Founder & Leadership at Afforai

4 reviews
Love it

Oli justin


6 reviews

Mohammed Arsalan

Founder & Leadership

14 reviews
Great Product for the techies....

Abdul Abid
Digital Marketer
2 reviews
LinkedIn has undoubtedly established itself as the premier professional networking platform, and it continues to impress me with its vast array of features and opportunities. As a professional in today's competitive job market, LinkedIn has become an indispensable tool for connecting, engaging, and advancing in my career. One of the standout features of LinkedIn is its ability to build and expand professional networks. The platform provides a seamless and intuitive interface for connecting with colleagues, industry peers, and potential employers. Through LinkedIn, I have been able to establish meaningful connections with professionals from diverse backgrounds, opening up avenues for collaboration, mentorship, and career growth. LinkedIn's news feed is another powerful aspect that keeps me informed and engaged in the professional world. The feed curates relevant content and updates from my network, industry influencers, and companies I follow. This ensures that I stay up-to-date with the latest trends, news, and insights in my field. It's a great way to discover thought-provoking articles, industry discussions, and job opportunities tailored to my interests and goals. Furthermore, LinkedIn's robust job search functionality makes it a go-to platform for professionals seeking new career opportunities. The platform offers a comprehensive job listing database, allowing me to search for positions based on location, industry, and experience level. The job application process is streamlined, with the option to apply directly through the platform and showcase my professional profile and achievements to potential employers. LinkedIn's emphasis on personal branding is also worth mentioning. The platform offers extensive profile customization options, enabling me to showcase my skills, experience, and accomplishments in a visually appealing and professional manner. The ability to request and receive endorsements and recommendations from colleagues further enhances my credibility and reputation within my industry. Lastly, LinkedIn's thriving community of professional groups and forums provides a valuable space for knowledge sharing and networking. These groups allow me to connect with like-minded individuals, participate in discussions, and seek advice from industry experts. The collaborative nature of these communities fosters learning, professional development, and the exchange of ideas. Overall, LinkedIn stands as the ultimate professional networking platform, offering a wealth of features and opportunities for career-minded individuals. It has revolutionized the way professionals connect, discover job opportunities, and stay informed in their respective fields. Whether you're seeking career advancement, industry insights, or meaningful connections, LinkedIn is an invaluable resource that every professional should leverage to unlock their full potential.