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  • Luvly

    Face yoga beautification app
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    What do people think of Luvly?

    The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about Luvly, what Luvly can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Luvly?
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    3/5All time (2 reviews)
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    3 Reviews
    Alexandra Sun
    Co founder and story teller
    1 review
    SCAMMERS, they use your card, charge you without you knowing it, till you find ou! F. Scammers. With the money they charge you , you can do more things for your face
    Oleg Malashchuk
    Product Designer
    2 reviews
    Chuck Brandt
    Founder & CEO, stealth-mode startup
    3 reviews
    Reviewed this product
    Visited the Android App store and came across a barrage of complaints. While the ones related to user experience of the app, and volume of content (or lack thereof) might be legitimate grievances; many others are more in the nature of unrealistic expectations. For instance, one reviewer claims to have used the app's exercises twice daily for a week, but with no results. You can provide some 'How It Works' advice to nip such queries in the bud. Firstly, it is physiologically impossible to obtain results in one week, when the skin itself regenerates in 6 weeks. Three months would be a more realistic span to observe results. Also, the outcome will depend on the initial condition of the skin. Older users, especially 40+ will have a more daunting challenge than others. Iron out these wrinkles: temper their expectations, and provide a realistic timeline, in Quarter -Year chunks, for genuine results. Best wishes to Your venture, going forward.