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  • NameShouts


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    What do people think of NameShouts?

    The community submitted 9 reviews to tell us what they like about NameShouts, what NameShouts can do better, and more.
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    4/5All time (1 review)
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    9 Reviews
    Peter Mello
    Managing Partner, Lionheart Pathways
    4 reviews
    Seems marginally useful. When GitLab asked me for how my name is pronounced, I scratched my head and figured there must be some generator for such things, and ended up at NameShouts. They did generate pronunciations for my name, but not of a quality that I was able to just cut and paste; I had to tweak them to make them usable. I'd have been more impressed if they included a mechanism for suggesting improvements to existing entries, but there was none. tl;dr? "Meh."
    Ryan Chaliff
    Dentist/Co-Founder of Bride Brite
    28 reviews
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    Review of NameShouts 2.0
    Congrats on the user friendly interface and great idea on having native speakers pronounce the names!
    Simon Wahl
    1 review
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    Review of NameShouts 2.0
    Nina Iordanova
    1 review
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    Review of NameShouts 2.0
    Tom Foolery
    Team of bookmeet
    20 reviews
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    Review of NameShouts 2.0
    I’ve been looking for a solution like this for a while and I think having a feature that allows to save “favourite” names is great. After a while it becomes embarassing to not be able to pronounce peoples names correctly. Congrats for building this :)
    Brig-Gen M Anwar Hossain
    1 review
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    Review of NameShouts 2.0
    Willo Corfield
    1 review
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    Review of NameShouts 2.0
    Daniel Tuba DSouza
    1 review
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    Review of NameShouts 2.0
    Madelaine O'Reilly-Brown
    Linguistics/Data Associate @ NameShouts
    1 review
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    Review of NameShouts 2.0