@fonsmans Great! Congrats to your entire team. Some questions: 1) Can "any" maker (think guest makers) contribute stories to this platform? 2) Are the stories focused on specific product category or is it from any product or service category?
The attention to detail that has gone in to this, the team has done a fantastic job. Getting this level of access to some of my favorite designers' process is an incredible gift. Best of luck with launch. Can't wait for the next issue to hit my inbox.
I thrive on stories like this, and I find myself telling a lot of stories. What are the kinds of entries you expect to see? I had a look at your Typeform, and I see it asks which agency I'm from. Can individuals share stories? also, I believe you can improve by having a system like Reforge Artificats where the team works with the submitter to redact sensitive data.
Also, do you truly believe pricing on day 1 when the library is small is a good idea?
Hey Vikram, thanks for the feedback! Individuals can absolutely share stories, we'll update the copy to make this more clear. On the pricing, essentially all of our articles are available for free, our additional content and resources like live q&a's, deals and community are available to paid subscribers.