Although this is a great business concept, the final Forevers Pet replica is not worth the money that I paid! Also beware of the selective 4.8/5 rating that Petsies has on their website. If you look at other internet reviews, the rating is much lower.
To get a replica of your pet is a very slow process. I wouldn’t mind waiting if the final product was of good quality, but that’s not the case. For the first replica that I received, the body was fine but I was very disappointed with the colouring which wasn’t even close to the photos that I sent to them. Petsies wouldn’t provide a refund and claimed that the only way to get an accurate replica of my pet was to pay extra for a preview. This is clearly a “cash grab” and should instead be included as a quality control process in the overall initial high price paid for their Forevers Pet.
It was finally agreed with Petsies to get a remake of my pet done for an additional cost. This remake cost included the preview stage which allowed the final product to be more accurate in replicating my dog. After another long wait to receive the remake, I was disappointed to be charged an additional tariff/duties ransom which amounted to 40% of the invoice amount before I could receive the final product. When I asked Petsies why I wasn’t charged additional tariff/duties on the first replica considering that they used the same courier company, they couldn’t provide a clear response and wouldn’t reimburse me for this additional cost.
Overall I’m very disappointed with Petsies and would not recommend this company to provide an accurate quality replica of your pet for a reasonable price.