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What is Postmates?
Postmates is an American company that employs couriers to deliver goods locally. As of February 2019, Postmates operates in 2,940 U.S. cities. The service relies on mobile phone applications and their Global Positioning System capabilities to match inventories and consumer demand.
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Recent launches

Postmates Prawn Day
Black Friday, your days are numbered. National Shrimp Day, no one’s interested. Because when it comes to deals and seafood, the biggest day of the year starts now.
Introducing Prawn Day: A celebration of all things crustacean.
Postmates Prawn Day image
Postmates Party
Postmates Party shows you a list of restaurants that people all around you are ordering from in real-time. Join a Party and never pay a delivery fee.
Available now on iOS and Android.
12 more launches