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  • Limitless


    Go beyond your mind's limitations
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    The community submitted 177 reviews to tell us what they like about Limitless, what Limitless can do better, and more.
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    4.8/5All time (175 reviews)
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    177 Reviews
    İlker İnanç
    CEO at Twentify
    2 reviews
    Great concept that just works!
    Aims trillion-dollar company. PM.
    1 review
    [Best productivity apps]. For people who are serious about productivity, the most important thing they need is "self-objectification". Being able to look back on your day and see how much you've accomplished, and having an objective analysis of your behavior can help you close the gap between your goals and where you need to be. I hope they release a mobile app as well, thanks Rewind team!!!
    Mohit Vishwakarma
    Marketing Guy!!
    4 reviews
    I am currently using the free trial. It's one the best software I have used to date. The best feature is summarising my zoom meetings. But the price is high and that's the only reason I will skip this.
    I am always so consumed in my conversations i always fail to take notes. While i mostly remember the essence, this helps me extract that little extra. The ROI on these prices are pretty amazing.


    3 reviews
    nice to have, but pricing
    Heidi Liou
    Thanks for your feedback! We just revamped our pricing and you'll always be able to access your data using Rewind Free. Take a look: https://www.rewind.ai/pricing
    Robin Dieker


    5 reviews
    scary but awesome as well
    AI Ben Mak


    1 review
    I share this example as there is no industry it would not thrive in, but if you havn't got rewind.....then we may not thrive! (**as much**). I really wanted to share how valuable and crucial Rewind has been in my life. When you're literally facing many adversities, I'm a strong believer that the accurate truth is a miracle remedy. Rewind, however, has been much more than a tool for me; it's been like a supporting companion on my journey of justice, accountability, and the pursuit of accurate truth. I was so committed to this cause that I actually got a brand new computer just to utilize Rewind. My situation is still ongoing, grappling with systemic failures and discrimination, but with Rewind, I have a reliable judge. It's an ally in my unrelenting quest to address and correct the injustices that persist in our world so if I blink and miss an inch....I REWIND! Thank you for an amazing product and digital business partner!! It has really helped me with its reliability, which in return is compounding value! 6 STARS
    Very impressive product. Don't know yet how I'll be using it long term though.
    Jérémie Lumbroso
    CS faculty at Princeton University.
    1 review
    Rewind for Mac is the most important SaaS subscription I have. It makes me so much more productive because I have a really fantastic visual memory and having a guarantee that you can search through an index of everything you have seen helps me avoid costly moments where I am trying to recall something to no avail. I cannot wait to start using Rewind for iPhone.
    Faizal Hudya Rizfianto
    Be Productive
    5 reviews
    The product/ solution that I've been searching for a long time