I like the idea of a personal youtube website, someone who is
a fan would love to check out my vids here.
Having a website increases your footprint on the web and becomes another channel for people to discover your content. It's proven to increase your audience. And RIVYT makes it easy to do that.
YouTube metrics (views, watch-time, et al) are the bread-and-butter for a content creator. And if those metrics are not harmonised between the website and YouTube, it's a bit of a deal-breaker. But that's unknown here.
I absolutely love this service. As a youtuber I was struggling to build a website that really helped promote my videos/brand etc. I was so happy when I found these guys and this product here a few months back on Producthunt. They have added a ton of new themes and are always welcome to new feature suggestions to the site.
You can now get started with a site in just a few seconds. It's amazingly easy to use and a must for a Youtuber of anysize