I've used Spotify religiously since about 2017. For proof I'll show my 6,000+ saved songs or carefully crafted chronological monthly liked song playlists. Anyways, Spotify has changed a lot over the past year or two by doubling down with podcasts, introducing audiobooks, and just a general overhaul of their music focus. Overall, I'm a fan. I love that I can consolidate all of my listening into one app now, sure it's not flawless, but they're still new kids on the block with some of these genres so I expect it will only grow better. My absolute favorite thing about Spotify however is the music discoverability feature, I swear it has improved so much over the years. For example, just by turning on smart shuffle when I listen to my liked song library I'll find like 5 new songs in a 1 hour listening period that SHOULD HAVE been in my liked songs library all along. I hope they keep up the good work, keep developing on new frontiers, but keep prioritizing the thing that got them there, music.