
The user story mapping tool
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The community submitted 20 reviews to tell us what they like about StoriesOnBoard, what StoriesOnBoard can do better, and more.
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20 Reviews
Bram Orye
Bram Orye


1 review
Story mapping is the most massively useful technique I know for visualising any sort of project or process. I’ve been using StoriesOnBoard for over 6 years now, and I couldn’t imagine a better, more user-friendly tool (and it kept improving all the time!) But not only is their product great, their customer service is truly top-notch. Immediate personal response, useful demo’s, actual hands on help in setting up new features... Chef’s kiss!
Eszter Mizsei
Oh vow, thank you for sharing this here 😊 We are indeed very careful to make sure that every user gets the help they need, in the form that suits them best. And I would also add that user feedback like yours is super valuable to us, we owe a lot of great product development ideas to StoriesOnBoard users over the years.

3 reviews
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One of the most powerful product backlog management tools. Incredibly flexible, versatile, and simple. For designers and pm's familiar with user story mapping and who care about delivering business value through an iterative experience to their customers and users. Furthermore Stories on Board offers two way sync with the most popular sprint backlog tools so no changes to what the development team prefers. Lastly, the team behind Stories on Board is first class, listens closely to their community, and has a long track record of delivering well thought out features and improvements.

David Smith
3 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of StoriesOnBoard

Tim Ramage
Co-founder of Avion
1 review
Does not recommend this product

Tamás Vigh
yet another developer
1 review
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Olivér Bősz
2 reviews
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Felix Rehbach
1 review
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Christopher Dalid
1 review
Recommended this product
Been working with this tool for a few years and in different organisations (I take it along where I go ;-) ). It gives great overview and visualisation and - and - and - it's easy to use (it's inspiring how far you can get without making things complicated for the end user!).

Samy de Marne
1 review
Does not recommend this product

David Smith
3 reviews
Does not recommend this product