The Growth Hacking Box

The Growth Hacking Box

Everything you need to start growing your business
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What is The Growth Hacking Box?
The growth hacking box is filled with 6 sets of cards that are designed to help you think differently about your tactics and actionable tips to improve them. Everything from drawing ideas out from team members to how to acquire, convert, and retain customers, and beyond. The idea is to step away from your computer, and think out the 'box'.
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Recent launches

TIMEbank - for Startup Founders
Sharing micro-services with TIME as a currency.
- Members get 2 hours of time credit as they register.
- They indicate what they can offer or request.
- For any hour of service they give to someone, they gain one to spend on other members.
TIMEbank - for Startup Founders image
Work It Daily: Job Search Summit
Training like these typically cost hundreds of dollars to attend. A full day of job search coaching, complete with all the templates and tools you need.
This is our way of getting all of those out-of-work energized and motivated to engage in their job search.
Work It Daily: Job Search Summit image
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