UI Colors

UI Colors

Tailwind CSS color generator & editing tool
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The community submitted 68 reviews to tell us what they like about UI Colors, what UI Colors can do better, and more.
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68 Reviews
Abdullah Kanza
3 reviews
It's the best color tool I've ever used. In general, it is very difficult to create a color palette based on a main color. It quickly solves this problem for you without any confusion. Designers know this is a huge problem 😅

Ömür Yanıkoğlu
Webflow and WordPress Expert
4 reviews
I finally found the tool I've been looking for for a long time, thank you very much! 🙏🙌✨

Eugene Kovalenko
UI designer
1 review
sooo nice!

This is sooooooooooo useful 🥲 the contrast grid... *chef's kiss*

Henrik Hedegaard
2 reviews
Amazing! Makes it easy to create, adjust and optimise a harmonic color scale for you app.

Yildirim Adiguzel
Co-Founder of xenn.io
1 review
UI colors helped me build a color palette for tailwind. It worked perfectly and saved lots of time.

Rustam Ruzadorov
Junior UI/UX Designer
1 review
Awesome tool for fast creating color pallete

Nothing yet.
1 review
If your website checks the colour contrast and suggests colours based on that, wow! that would be amazing.

Gary Ehler
Front-end web developer
1 review
Awesome APP.... and it was made using Tailwind, so it is a great user experience. Is now my go to APP for color in my tailwind projects. Great work, guys & gals!

Jay 429
Jay 429
UX Designer
1 review
Love it awesome tool - would it be possible to add dark mode so basically just a background change/UI so can see the color theme on a dark background