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  • Vimeo


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    What do people think of Vimeo?

    The community submitted 56 reviews to tell us what they like about Vimeo, what Vimeo can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Vimeo?
    Leave a rating or review for the community
    4.7/5All time (5 reviews)
    Recently (2 reviews)
    56 Reviews
    Vimeo is fantastic for showcasing my music videos. The quality and customization options are top-notch, making my visuals stand out.
    Andreas Dyuzhou
    Director of The Internet
    6 reviews
    I've always admired services like yours
    Raj Pandey
    Builders on Internet
    7 reviews
    easy to use
    content writer
    16 reviews
    good app for uploading video
    Aleksei Kurynskyi
    13 reviews
    anton karp
    Love ad blockers
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Voicea
    Mike Grinberg
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Voicea

    After removing our account, we kept having EVA join the calls and recording. After a series of emails with their support, nothing was done to resolve the problem. As it turned out, even though the Voicera account was "removed" the existing Gsuite API integration was still active. I had to remove those permissions via Gsuite on our side. They have also not been able to confirm that all existing call recordings have been deleted. Be wary of this if you sign up. The service seems good, but if you decide it isn't, you need to be very careful in API permission management.

    mohammad mbm55
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Instashare
    Assaf Packin
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Vimeo Record
    Rick Grago
    Visionary Member, Radiate Inc
    5 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Voicea

    I love the premise of this product and how it incorporates AI to

    transcribe and highlight key points. By doing so, it also provides

    an ability for meeting attendees to focus and remain present, since

    Eva gives them a record for review after the meeting as a means

    for capturing/highlighting key points that pertain to them. The voice

    activation and subsequent tools for highlighting, debriefing and

    review are all well designed. I look forward to recommending this to

    many business owners!
