
Voice Collaboration Tool For Remote Teams
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86 Reviews
Ankur Nagpal

Founder & Leadership

2 reviews
Reviewed this product
Super optimistic about Yac -- I installed it a couple of weeks ago, and I find the user experience to be so damn simple that I think it's going to be a game changer for how not just remote teams -- bu all teams communicate.

Axel Meta
Axel Meta
Creating different things.
3 reviews
is this still working? I upgraded for the first time last week and it stopped generating links for the videos I recorded. Reached out to support via yac and did not hear back yet
Justin Mitchell
Hey Axel, I'm one of the original co-founders of Yac. I left the company last year but I sent your message to the team to take a look at. Glad you found it useful and sorry the links aren't generating.

Jeffrey Bennett


1 review
I thought I should share this so as the reach others with bad credits and in need of assistance like I was. I was trying to finance a new home for my family a few months ago and I was unable to due to poor credit till I saw a post here about gearheadcypanacea dot com. I contacted them and so far I have been very pleased with the result as my score has gone from 490 to 780 in 3weeks. Reach them on (6,0,5 6,0,3 9,7,8,3 gearheadcyberpanacea AT g mail. com) if you have poor credits and you will be amazed by the outcome.

Reviewed this product
Pretty awesome app, I tried the beta with my team. Love it for those moments when you want to say something complex and fast, details of stuff. Pretty cool, congrats on the release!

Kyle Conarro
Co-Founder @ Ad Reform / Userfeed
4 reviews
Reviewed this product
Been using Yac for a few months now on our fully remote team, it's great! Seamless, quick, high-fidelity communication. Congrats on the launch 🙌

Dennis Oltorik
Entrepreneur, Financial Advisor
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Review of Yac
I am using Yac immediately to communicate quickly with multiple teammates. It is a SIMPLE and an EFFECTIVE way to message in the digital age. Much easier than texting and I get to hear the voice of the sender and the voice inflection which is so often missed in text or typed messaging. So often messages intent is assumed to be other than it is. Easily solves this issue. I love this tool keep rolling Team Yac! Dennis

Ruben A. Ramirez
Lambda School Engineering Student
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Review of Yac
I've worked remotely on a small team for 2 years and something like Yac would've made my life so much easier. There were even times a year ago where I'd record a voice note on my Windows PC native recording app and then send the file to a teammate, all because this kind of chat is so valuable to remote teams. Now with Yac, my first use was getting to know my remote teammate better! We did a 20 Questions kind of game where we asked each other questions and got genuine answers that carried so much more emotion than just text while saving time. Will continue to use this Yac! It's awesome! Shoutout to @jordvnlwalker @jmitch @saqib_muhammad1 @huntermoonshot

Gabriel Andres Guzman
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Kai Walker
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Kristin Walker
proud mom of yac founder jordan walker
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