With WeekLy, you can systematize your studies and create your own lists of words. You can choose from several different learning methods and find the most efficient way for you, to acquire vocabulary.
You can practice for example with:
- Flashcards
- Multiple choices
- Writing exercises
- Memory games
- True or False
- and more...
You can write TESTS and get feedback about your knowledge. Furthermore, you can see your accomplishments, which helps you to focus on the most difficult words, and you can SHARE your lists with other people.
Our mission is to help people to learn Vocabulary easier and faster, that's why our application is completely FREE. If you want to be prepared for an exam superfast or learn foreign terms perfectly, then WeekLy is the perfect choice for you.
If you like our application, or have any creative ideas, how to make the user experience of WeekLy smoother, contact us at: weeklystudy.info@gmail.com or leave a review below.