Irina Stolić
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I can't wait to get my next paycheck so that I can start buying things from this app! It's easy to use and didn't take me long to get the hang of it! Unfortunately it crashes on my phone pretty frequently (I think it's just old). To have one place to shop from black-owned businesses is a BLESSING, especially since I live in a conservative area where it's not nearly as easy to do so. Thank you!! EDIT: bugs were fixed and this app has only gotten better, more flexible, & easier to use with time!
88 people found this review helpful
Lamine Loco
November 12, 2020
Hello! Thank you so much for using the app and supporting the vendors! If you can, try downloading the latest version and see if the crashing continues, if it does please send me a screen record of it happening if possible, I'll try and fix that for you, send to you miiriyaa@gmail.com, thank you!!

Theo Wild
This app has really helped me move away from Amazon. Between this and Etsy, i can get pretty much anything from small independent creators without supporting a monopoly. There's a few bugs to be worked out yet, and the selection is really limited in some places, but that'll change as more people start using the platform. Overall it's a great experience.
192 people found this review helpful

Alissa Purplebunnies
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I haven't bought anything yet, but I haven't experienced any of the bugs I see others reporting (infinite loading, etc). I'm having a fine time browsing and loading time is very quick for me (faster than instagram for me). Sooooo much cute stuff. Can't wait to send this to my mom to hint hint for some Christmas gifts made by amazing Black creators!
20 people found this review helpful