Blaze CI/CD is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool designed to automate the creation of production-ready CI/CD pipelines.
Blaze CI/CD is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool designed to automate the creation of production-ready CI/CD pipelines. The tool integrates with Kubernetes, Docker, DockerHub, GitHub, GitHub Actions, and ArgoCD to provide a seamless setup experience. Users provide essential details such as project name, API keys, and application configurations, and the tool handles the creation of namespaces, repositories, and CI/CD pipelines.
You can install the Blaze CI/CD CLI tool using pip:
pip install blaze-cicd
Below is a high-level architecture diagram of blaze CI/CD:
- Automated Pipeline Creation: Automates the setup of CI/CD pipelines using Kubernetes (
), Docker, GitHub, and ArgoCD. - YAML Configuration: Users provide project and application details via a YAML configuration file that will be used to construct the entire CI/CD pipeline with a single command.
- Multi-Service Integration: Integrates with DockerHub, GitHub, and ArgoCD to create repositories, projects, and applications. Can handle pipelines for multiple services.
- CLI Interface: Simple command-line interface with
commands. - Minimal Setup: Other than configuring
, Python, installing the package, and providing API keys, there are no additional steps other than filling out theconfig.yaml
. - Graceful Degradation: Blaze CI/CD ensures robust pipeline creation by verifying the existence of resources at each step. If a resource (e.g., repository, project, or application) already exists, Blaze skips its creation to avoid redundancy. If a resource is missing, it creates it automatically.
In case of failure, Blaze stops the process and provides detailed error messages, enabling users to troubleshoot and resolve issues efficiently. This step-by-step approach ensures that subsequent operations rely on successful completion of the previous steps, maintaining the integrity of the CI/CD pipeline while empowering users with actionable insights.
- Kubernetes: For container orchestration and namespace management.
- Docker: For containerization of applications.
- DockerHub: For Docker image storage and management.
- GitHub: For source code management and version control.
- GitHub Actions: For CI/CD workflows.
- ArgoCD: For GitOps-based continuous delivery.
Before using blaze CI/CD, ensure the following prerequisites are met:
Kubernetes Cluster:
- A running Kubernetes cluster with
configured on the machine you plan to run this CLI tool from. - Ensure you have the necessary permissions to create namespaces and manage resources in the cluster.
- A running Kubernetes cluster with
DockerHub Account:
- A DockerHub account with an API key for creating and managing Docker repositories, with write/read access.
GitHub Account:
- A GitHub account with an API key for creating repositories and managing GitHub Actions workflows.
- A GitHub private key for integrating with ArgoCD config repositories.
- An ArgoCD instance with an API key account for creating projects and applications.
- Ensure the ArgoCD URL is accessible from the machine where you plan to run the tool from.
- Python 3.7 or higher installed on your machine.
- Required Python libraries:
, andrequests
blaze CI/CD Installation:
- Install the blaze CI/CD CLI tool using pip:
pip install blaze-cicd
- Install the blaze CI/CD CLI tool using pip:
The user also creates a YAML file with the following format:
name: "your-project-name"
namespace: "your-namespace"
apiKey: "%ARGOCD_API_KEY%"
url: "%ARGOCD_URL%"
username: "your-docker-registery-username"
apiKey: "%GITHUB_API_KEY%"
- name: "your-app-name"
name: "source-code-github-template-name"
owner: "source-code-github-owner-name"
name: "source-code-github-template-name"
owner: "source-code-github-owner-name"
private: true # true -> private repo, false -> public repo
name: "your-docker-image-name"
private: true
name: "your-github-repo-name"
owner: "your-github-repo-owner-name"
name: "your-argocd-project-name"
description: "Your ArgoCD project description"
name: "your-argocd-app-name"
path: "path/to/manifests"
clusterUrl: "https://kubernetes.default.svc"
namespace: "your-namespace"
connectionType: "ssh"
name: "your-repo-name"
projectName: "your-project-name"
githubRepoUrl: ""
sshPrivateKeyData: "%GITHUB_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY%"
You must set enviroment variables in config.yaml with %ENV_VARIABLE%, also in your OS: windows
$env:ARGOCD_API_KEY = "your-argocd-api-key"
$env:ARGOCD_URL = ""
$env:DOCKER_HUB_API_KEY = "your-docker-registery-apikey"
$env:GITHUB_API_KEY = "your-github-developer-apikey"
$env:GITHUB_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY = "your-ssh-key"
note on windows you need to set multi-line ssh key as follow
$sshKey = (Get-Content -Path "C:\Users\User\.ssh\id_rsa" -Raw) -replace "`r`n", "\n"
export ARGOCD_API_KEY="your-argocd-api-key"
export ARGOCD_URL=""
export DOCKER_HUB_API_KEY="your-docker-registery-apikey"
export GITHUB_API_KEY="your-github-developer-apikey"
export GITHUB_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="your-ssh-key"
export ARGOCD_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="your-github-account-ssh-key-to-pull-private-repos"
You should also create dkr registery secret in your k8s cluster :
kubectl -n blazecicd create secret docker-registry dkr-registry --docker-username="" --docker-password="" --docker-email=""
- Initialization: The user runs the
command to generate a YAML template which the user will fill with the needed information. - Setup needed API keys in GitHub, ArgoCD, DockerHub.
- Kubernetes Cluster with configured kubectl on machine.
- Configuration: The user fills in the YAML file with project and application details.
- Build: The user runs the
command to create the CI/CD pipeline.
Important note: your tempalte repo should not have any github workflow in it, or should be triggered when you push to prod branch, this allow for no accidental resource creation.
- Purpose: Generates a YAML template for the user to fill in.
- Usage:
blaze init --file blaze-config.yaml
- Output: Creates a
file with the predefined template.
- Purpose: Reads the YAML configuration and creates the CI/CD pipeline.
- Usage:
blaze build --file blaze-config.yaml
- Output:
- Creates a Kubernetes namespace using current context configured to kubectl.
- Creates DockerHub repositories.
- Creates GitHub repositories.
- Configures repositories in ArgoCD.
- Creates an ArgoCD project.
- Creates ArgoCD applications.
if you followed the demo, you might want to clean up the resources in the dev cluster
- [] remove created repos by blaze-cicd : 1. blazecicd-client, 2. blazecicd-client-argocd.
- [] remove argocd resources application, project, repo.
- [] remove dockerhub repository blazecicd-client
- [] remove namespace from cluster.