Monica Code
One-stop AI Coding Assistant for your favorite code editor.
Supports and GPT-4o Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Powerful AI Abilities
Code Completion
Realtime code suggestion based on cursor location and comments while you coding.
Code Editing
Select any code and update them with a simple prompt. Easily modify a function or rewrite the whole class.
Multimodal Chat with codebase
Chat with active file or whole indexed codebase using best models like Claude 3.5 Sonnet or GPT-4o, or send a screenshot to help debugging.
Integrated Composer
Simply ask Monica Code to create or modify multiple files, and navigate through different composed versions.
8 regular premium queries per day
Access to all features
Integrated Composer, multi-modal Q&A, code base index, web access, etc.
AI code completions
Included in the Monica Unlimited subscription
Everything in Free
Unlimited AI code completions
500 fast premium queries per month
Unlimited regular premium queries
Subscribe to Monica Unlimited to unlock all membership benefits,including Monica Code Premium .