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Logs Explorer

Build your own real-time logs explorer using Tinybird

Logs Explorer

This is a template for a Logs Explorer web application. It is built with Next.js and Tinybird.

Use this template to bootstrap a multi-tenant, user-facing logs explorer for any software project. Fork it and make it your own!

Quick Start

Deploy the project to Tinybird and Vercel to get started quickly.

Configure your Tinybird environment variables in Vercel:


Append the tinybird/fixtures/logs.ndjson file to the logs Data Source or stream some mock data.

Local Development

Get started by forking the GitHub repository and then customizing it to your needs.

Start Tinybird locally:

curl -LsSf https://tbrd.co/fwd | sh
cd tinybird
tb local start
tb login
tb dev
token ls # copy an admin token

Configure the Next.js application:

cd dashboard/log-analyzer
cp .env.example .env

Edit the .env file with your Tinybird API key and other configuration.


Start the Next.js application:

cd dashboard/log-analyzer
npm install
npm run dev

Open the application in your browser:


Read the dashboard/log-analyzer/README.md file for more information on how to use the application and tinybird/README.md for more information on how to customize the template.

Instrumenting your application

To instrument your application, just send JSON objects to the Tinybird Events API.

const data = {
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
level: 'info',
service: 'my-app',
message: 'This is a test message',
request_id: '1234567890',
environment: 'development',
status_code: 200,
response_time: 100,
request_method: 'GET',
request_path: '/',
host: 'my-app.com',
user_agent: req.headers.get('user-agent')
await fetch(
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(data),
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.TINYBIRD_APPEND_TOKEN}` },

The example above uses the logs Data Source and schema in this template but you can use your own Data Source and schema, append logs and build your own logging analytics application.

Check the examples folder for some examples of how to do this with different languages, services and schemas.

Building a log aggregator with Vector

Vector is a log aggregator that is used to collect, process, and store logs built by DataDog.

You can use Vector to collect logs from different sources and send them to a Tinybird Sink.

Check the examples/vector folder for an example of how to do this with Vector.


Deploy the Tinybird project to the cloud:

cd tinybird
tb --cloud deploy

Once deployed copy your Tinybird cloud host and read_pipes token, deploy the Next.js application to Vercel and configure the environment variables.

Customizing the template

You can use the template as a starting point to build your own logs explorer application or embed components in your own application.

See how it's done in the Vercel Log Drains template and the Auth0 Log Streams template.

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