Relationship Reminders
Served on a silver platter
Surprise your romantic partner
450+ Ideas
Milestone Reminder System
Love Fuel’s Promise
It’s light, not emotionally heavy.
It’s a tool for fun, not for couples therapy.
It’s surprising, not overly romantic.
Handy Tools When You
Find that Perfect Idea
No Set-up Required.
We don’t intend to slow you down.
It’s simple. Unhappy couples have different needs, Love Fuel is for when life gets too busy, not too unsatisfying or too unhappy. We recommend unhappy couples to seek something else.
Love Fuel makes it easier being couple without either of you having to change. It will help you fulfil each others deep needs, with less complexity than ordinary methods.
Love Fuel is a tool. It’s to create fun and surprising moments. But never where the action takes place, that will continue to be in real life.
No. This everyday tool will remind you to surprise each other, not solve deep issues, for that we advise trying something else.
Yes however, we are currently focusing the application on couples who lives together so there may be less relevant content. Relevant long-distance features will be added on a later date. Please do send ideas in our contact page, we will be sure to include consider all ideas!